Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First Grade Frenzy!

Wow. So I am definitely not as good at this blog thing as I was hoping, but I am going to try and get better! I promise!

Before I catch you up on the last 2 weeks... lets start with today! It is 7:15 pm and I have already been up for almost 14 hours! I am EXHAUSTED!!! Good news is ... My first grade class was SO much fun today! Waking up and leaving my house before the sun even pretended to come up was not fun at all. However, Boy Meets World definitely helped with the wake-up process. Leaving my lunch at home wasn't the best start to my day either. Thankfully, once I got to my class things went pretty smoothly! The kids were very curious about why I was there and wanted to know everything about me (including my full name... why?... I have no earthly idea). I already love them! My mentor teacher seems extremely knowledgeable and I think I am going to learn a ton this semester from her! I can't wait! I'm actually excited about waking up and going back tomorrow morning! When I finished 5th grade at Andy Woods, I never thought I would ever spend another full day in an elementary school classroom. It was kind of strange this morning looking back at those glorious days wondering what it would be like to be a first grader again! First grade was one of my favorite years in school (not that I remember all that much... I just remember liking it), so I was very excited to be placed in first grade this year!

Now I just need to get some more homework done and stop blogging/pinteresting/facebooking. Ha, ya right.

I have had a lot of homework over the last week (one of the reasons this blog has been neglected), but I have enjoyed most of the projects so far. Right now I am working on a Listening Comprehension Lesson Plan for second grade and I have to incorporate a Podcast that I have to make! I am also working on creating a "virtual field trip" and creating a lesson to go along with that. I have a lot of really fun projects this semester and I hope I can actually use them in my future classrooms.

I registered for my TExES certification exams. My Generalist EC-6 exam is late March and my ESL exam is late april! Please be thinking about me as I study for those tests!

Last weekend Matt and I made a surprise trip to Tyler to see Matt's dad before he had to head back to Afghanistan. I think both of Matt's parents were super surprised and excited to see him (WHOOP for Mollie being our secret keeper!). It was also great to see my mom and dad, even though it was pretty brief. That little trip home was so relieving even though we where there for less than 24 hours. Jeff is safely back in Afghanistan and we can't wait for him to come home again in late April/early May!

Its GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON! While hanging out at Matt's house, there was a faint knock on the door. Matt, his two roommates, and I all looked at each other wondering who it could be. It was a little tiny girl scout!!! There was a mad dash around the house to find all the change we could find and successfully bought 4 boxes of girl scout cookies... one for each of us! I got thin mints, of course!

Speaking of thin mints, I am planning on running another 5k February 11! I have been running semi-regularly lately and I think this 5k will be much much much easier that the last!

Also, in honor of February 1, I decorated for Valentines Day today! :) I wanted to put up my decorations in mid-January, but I held off until the first of the month!

And what is a blog without a picture?... i think kind of boring
 Kindergarden School Picture
I don't have one from first grade at this moment, but when I find one I'll post it! 

So there is a modgepodge of my last two weeks-ish :)!

OH YA! P.S. Remember that time I said unfortunately no one we knew at bingo won... well I take that back! MATT WON the next time he went!!! I didn't go that night... I guess I'm bad luck! But hey, a wins a win!!!

p.s.s. Matt also wins HERO of the day for bringing me my lunch!! THANKS a million times!

1 comment:

  1. So happy Matt was able to bring your lunch! I so wanted to, but the 5 hour trip was just a little much. Hugs, mom.
