Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentines Day!

I think Valentines Day is one of the best days of the year! It has fun decorations, lots of candy, and the best part is that you get to love on all of the people in your life! My actual Valentines Day was full of school, homework, and meetings, but Matt and I celebrated Thursday and went to dinner. I am really proud of the cards I made for him so I thought I'd share them with you :) ...

 I mustache you a question... 

The tickle monster! 

I love making cards for people and Valentines is a great day to do that for! I just pulled out my craft box and started crafting away! I love when I have time to get my craft box out! It totally relieves stress! 

I also received some wonderful valentines. Matt got me a Pier1 gift card (my favorite store)! My mom sent me a tasty lady bug and Matt a giant lollypop (which he LOVED). My first grades also sent me valentines cards! It was so fun to be a part of their Valentines day party. I definitely felt like I was back in elementary school!

Chocolate Ladybug!

My Valentines Day Bag! 

Fun Valentines from my first graders!

I also really love this reminder about Valentines Day that I saw on Pinterest.
What a great way to think about your true Valentine!

What is better than a day where you are encouraged and reminded to tell your friends and family that you love them! I had a great Valentines Day(/week). Now on to the tremendous amounts of homework. Ug.

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