Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bloom Where You Are Planted

This week for me was all about patience. A lot of things in my life right now are about patience.
Waiting for grades...
Waiting for phone calls...
Waiting for student teaching placements...
Wondering where I will live next year...
Wondering where I will end up teaching...
Wondering about the future...
The list could go on and on.

But really, these are all things that I have not control over. These are all things that I do not need to be worried about. This is one of my favorite bible verses (especially for the last several months). It is a great reminder that I do not need to worry and that God is in control.
It is so comforting to know that the Lord knows the plans He has for my life and that they are perfect.

I also really like this quote by Tim Tebow ... I know, I know. Yes, I am quoting Tim Tebow, but he has a faith that is a great example for all of us. 
This quote is so full of truth! I try to remind myself not to be anxious about the future and to be patient with what the Lord has planned for me each and every day. I am such a "planner" that it is hard for me to wait. I want to make a list and check things off, but that is just not how life works. I have been thinking about something my wonderful Great-Aunt Carrie said. She passed away last August, but this is something that will stick with me for a long time. 
"Bloom where you are planted." 
To me this means to live in the "now." Don't worry about what will happen next, but make what is happing now beautiful. Love what is happening now and don't wish it away just because you are wanting the next part of your life to get here. I love this quote because it is a beautiful reminder to appreciate where you are at the current moment because that is all you can do.  

As a senior in college, I know a lot of people who are going through the same thing as me. Not fully ready to graduate. Anxious about what they will do after they graduate. Wondering if/where they will get a job. Deciding whether or not to continue their schooling. Just remember, the Lord knows what is going to happen and it will be perfect. 

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