Friday, January 6, 2012


I created this blog almost a year ago, however this is my first post. I keep thinking of things I could write about on my blog, but I never get around to actually doing it. I have decided what better time to start than the New Year! So here I go!

2011 was a big year for me with tons of traveling and the beginning of my senior year in college, but I have a feeling 2012 is going to be even bigger and better. I will complete my undergraduate classes in May and begin student teaching in the fall. I will graduate from A&M with a bachelor of science in Interdisciplinary Studies in December! I feel like I just started college and now we are officially in the year that I will graduate. Right now December sounds like it is really far away… but I am expecting it to come very fast! This year I will have a lot of “big girl” decisions to make like where I want to student teach and where I want to be after I graduate. It is going to be a very exciting time. On top of becoming a teacher, I have set several goals for myself to accomplish throughout this year. I thought it would be fun to list them on here because #1 I will be able to remember them and #2 so I can hold myself accountable.

12 Goals for 2012
  1. Graduate from college… (should be easy… right?)
  2. Get a job teaching … (this one is kind of a duh! but with the way jobs in the teaching field are going this one could be tough)
  3. Eat healthier… (avoid fast food, sodas, and fried foods)
  4. Begin a regular exercise schedule… (occasionally I go for a run, but I want to be more consistent)
  5. Run a 5K, 10K, and a half marathon … (eek. This may be hard because of how busy I am going to be this year, but there is no excuse not to get this done! This was one of my goals for last year… I ran a 5K but never made it to the 10K or the half.)
  6. Be positive ALL of the time! … (this is something I harp on a lot because I think it is one of the most important qualities of being happy… but sometimes I struggle with being positive in stressful situations.)
  7. Be patient … (this includes all areas of my life… school, family, friends, and faith)
  8. Be spontaneous … (or maybe even plan-taneous)
  9. Go on fun dates … (this kind of goes along with spontaneous)
  10. Do my hair and make up more … (aka don’t look like a zombie when I go to class)
  11. Communicate more with my friends that don’t live near me … (this is so hard but it is something I HAVE to get better at!)
  12. Strive to live and love like the Lord has taught us to.

P.S. Here are a couple of fun photos from New Years! 

Photo credits to Matt Nelson! 

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