Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Will someone please tell me how it is already April 18!

Last week I had my last day in my first grade class! :( It makes me sad that I probably won't see those kids again. They taught me way more than I could have possibly taught them and I will always remember their sweet faces! On my last day, the class gave me a book with letters from each student and a class picture on the front. I will cherish the memories that book holds for the years to come. I would like to share one of my favorite quotes from one of the letters that made me laugh out loud.

"here a poem: your favite your favite teacher I love you more den a buch of pechs."

It was mostly hilarious because when this student read her letter to me in front of the class she got to that line, stopped mid-sentence and said she didn't want to read the rest. I laughed out loud when I read it later because I realized she didn't want to be embarrassed! It was so sweet! Another student told me he hopes I become a second grade teacher because he wanted to have me next year. Reading all of the letters from my first graders reminded me why I am going to be a teacher! Children are so brilliant and they need someone to facilitate their learning to help them become the best they can be!

I wanted to do something for my teacher and the class to thank them for letting me be a part of their class. I didn't want to do something that would get thrown to the side or lost under a stack of papers, so I decided to make bathroom passes. Lame... I know... but the class was in desperate need of new ones. I got two small wood plaques from Hobby Lobby and painted them pink and blue. I painted the letters and then hot glued the animals and ribbons to the passes. I keep on meaning to take pictures of my crafts throughout making them, but I just get so excited about finishing them that I always forget. I am giong to try and do that from now on! Anyways, here is how they turned out...

I had such an amazing experience this semester and can't wait to see what next semester holds...

Speaking of next semester... TODAY I got my field placement for student teaching!!!!!!!! I am SO excited! It is official! I will be student teaching in Whitehouse at Brown Elementary in a 3rd grade classroom! I literally cannot wait to meet my mentor teacher! 3rd grade was my first choice and I can't wait to experience yet another grade level that I may be teaching in! So far I have been in grades K, 1, and 5 so I think 3rd will be the perfect balance! I loved every single one of my elementary school teachers, but my third grade teacher, Mrs. Cannon, will always hold a special place in my heart! I loved third grade and I can't wait to experience it from the viewpoint of a teacher! If my mentor teacher is anything like Mrs. Cannon I will be 100% thrilled!

On the down side... even though I knew this was coming... it is now official that I am in my last 3 weeks of living in College Station. I literally feel like I got here last week and moved into my dorm. Who knows, maybe I'll be back living here at some point in the future, but for now it's adios. I will definitely be down to visit, especially next semester with football season, but it won't be the same. For the first time ever, over Easter weekend, I called College Station home... and now I am moving away. It is crazy to think how fast the last four years flew by! I look back and wouldn't change much of anything (except maybe being a little more decisive on my major :P ). After being a member for 4 full years, I banqueted out of Aggie Sisters for Christ this last Monday. I have been to almost every single home football game (I think I have missed 2 games). I have read more books that I have read in my entire life. I have made friends that I will have forever. I have grown immensely. I will be moving back home a completely different person than what I left it. Yes, it is sad... Yes, it is weird... But it is such a good thing! It is part of growing up and I am just one step closer to achieving the goal that I have been working on for the last four years. I love what is going on right now... at this very moment. It is all perfect, and it is all in His plan!

I am so excited for student teaching next semester and I can't wait to see how it all goes!

Next Tuesday, the 24th, will be my last class on Texas A&M campus! I will probably spend extra time on campus, probably in the BRAND NEW MSC, because I just won't want it to end. Actually I probably will want it to end because that means SUMMER! I don't know, it is a whole bunch of mixed feelings. I really can see the light at the end of the tunnel... but am I ready?... I think I am!... we will see :)!

On a side note... Right now I should be studying for my ESL exam... But I decided to take a break and blog. My exam is on Saturday at noon. If you think of me at that time say a quick prayer that I can focus and recall the information that I need to pass this test! Thanks for your support!

Here is an encouraging verse that my wonderful roommate gave me just before my EC-6 exam that I have kept in mind for my test on Saturday.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

1 comment:

  1. Katie, what a great post! Your amazing spirit will be such a blessing as a teacher. Just think, some day you will be someone's remembered Mrs. Cannon! God bless -- and I know your mom and dad are excited about having you back in East Texas!
