Thursday, May 3, 2012

And That's a Wrap

A LOT of things have happened in the last two weeks!
  • Banqueted out of Aggie Sisters for Christ
This wonderful organization literally changed my life. I don't know what I would have done without all  of the girls that I met through ASC in my 4 years at A&M! Michaela, Michelle, Heather, and I all banqueted out this semester and are moving on the the next parts of our lives! I will miss these girls and all of my other sisters in ASC dearly.

This is a cake I made for our last WIL group. 
This is the Camp Cake that I have talked about before... most delicious cake in the entire world!
*I made the banner from shish kabob sticks, card stock, rickrack, and buttons. I thought it was a cute finishing touch to the cake!
  • Visited the brand new MSC
My first view of the new building!
I can't believe how similar it is to the original MSC!
Click HERE to see before and after photos!

The new Congressional Medal of Honor displays!
This is quite and improvement from what they used to be!

The Flag Room

Rudder Fountain! 
This is one of my favorite fountains on campus! I am sad I only got to spend about a week with it.

I love my school.

Everything about the new MSC is AMAZING! I really feel like the campus has been reconnected through the MSC! 
  • Went to Aggie Muster
  • Finished my undergraduate classes at A&M!
  • PASSED MY ESL EXAM! WHOOP! (only one test to go!)
  • Visited Matt's dad and mom (+sisters) in Dallas before their trip to Mexico! 
  • Had lunch with Bryan in Waco!
  • Stopped and took pictures at the Aggie Barn! I have wanted to do this for SO long!

  • Watched the Aggies BeatTheHellOutta t.u.! WHOOP!
  • Attended the first Ring Dance in the new MSC! (pictures to come later... I left my camera in CS)
  • Packed up my room!
  • DROVE a Uhaul to Tyler all by myself (longest drive of my life)
  • Unpacked my room... a daunting task. 
  • AND... Applied for several jobs for the summer
I still technically have a room in College Station, but there is no longer anything in it. When I go back to College Station... I will be visiting... which is really weird. I tried to do everything I wanted to before I left CS and moved back to Tyler. I am glad to be home, but what I miss most is the people. Don't worry though, it's just a good excuse to go back :)!

The last couple of weeks seem like a whirlwind, but I must say... I am VERY glad it is summer! 15 days until I leave for Watercolor, FL with my very favorite people! I can't wait!

Good luck to all of my friends with finals! Study hard... you are almost done!! Congratulations to all of my friends, especially Katherine, who are graduating!!! All of your hard work has paid off!! 

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