Saturday, March 3, 2012

Forward March

First of all, how is it already March 3? I can't believe how fast this semester is going by. I am very thankful that spring break is next week... sort of. I am not sure what I am doing yet.

I have so much homework right now. I can't seem to get any of it done. I sit down at my computer and stare at the screen for hours. Nothing gets done. It is driving me crazy. I am feeling very overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do in the next two weeks. I just hope I can relax over spring break. Oh and that thing known as the certification exam... totally freaking out. I have barely been able to study due to all of the homework and projects I have had going on. Spring break seems like the perfect time to study... Ug! I can't wait until April 24, when I finish my classes. At the same time I hope April 24 takes an eternity to get here. I can barely imagine what leaving College Station is going to be like.

I just hope I will be able to take all of the memories I have made here with me and cherish them for the years to come. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS AND COLLEGE FRESHMAN... COLLEGE FLYS BY! ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT!

For lent I gave up ALL drinks except for water. I have done really well so far. It gets really hard sometimes. I just want a Dr. Pepper or a Mikes... I can do this. (I have been sleeping much better).

I ran a 5k last weekend! It was SO fun! I ran the entire time without stopping which was my goal. Plus I got a really awesome t-shirt. I can't wait for the next one and maybe I will be able to beat my time.

I also got to go home last weekend. It was so nice to spend some time alone with my mom and dad! I miss them a lot. I also got to see all of my grandparents which was fun. Going home is so relaxing to me.

Matt's mom and Mollie came to College Station! It was fun to see them! We went to a baseball game and out to dinner! I always have fun with them.

Tomorrow I am going to see Blue Man Group! I can't wait! I have seen Blue Man Group before, but I was so little I barely remember it. It is going to be awesome!

For some reason I have had this song stuck in my head the last few days.. I don't really know why, but I guess it is a good one to have constantly playing in your head.

At the cross You,
beckon me,
draw me gently,
to my knees and I am,
lost for words so,
lost in love I'm,
sweetly broken, wholly surrendered!

I hope you have a great week!

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