Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Accidental Blog Hiatus

Oops. It has been an entire month since my last post! So much for at least one post a week during the summer! Why have I been on a blog hiatus, you ask? Because of summer... and let me tell you... it has been GREAT! I'll catch you up!

I got a summer job at Ann Taylor LOFT... while working kind of stinks (because it is work) the discount on clothes is amazing! I can't wait for mid-August gets here so I can buy some new clothes for teaching! LOFT loves teachers! I am also going to be doing some tutoring with Success Learning Center like I have for the last few summers! I love working with the kiddos and seeing them grow and learn!

Maycation in WaterColor was AMAZING! This has definitely been the best part about my summer so far! From perfectly blue water to delicious snow cones and cruiser bikes to sunburnt feet (and I mean BURNT)... I couldn't have asked for a better week with my family! I love the beach life... wake up as early as possible, go to the beach, soak up the sun, float on the waves, toss the football(just for you, Matt), go back to the house only when you absolutely have to, eat a great dinner with your family, go to sleep, and repeat for as long as possible. The countdown begins for next summer ;)

Our beautiful house for the week! 

Evening on the beach!
(Photo credits to Wes Hargrove)

Water was PERFECT! 

Enjoying Frost Bites in Seaside! 

The whole gang enjoying appetizers at happy hour!

Ah... just looking at the pictures makes me want to go back!

CROSSFIT! Yes, I am doing Crossfit! Don't know what crossfit is? Look it up, better yet... try it! Colleen and Mollie got me hooked. I have been trying to go to the class at least 3 times a week. It is a great workout (sometimes not so great when you are actually doing it) and I feel so refreshed (AND SORE) when I am done! I am doing this to stay healthy and to help me to be more fit! So far, so good! 

Now do you see why I haven't been blogging?... Don't worry there is more!

I haven't gotten to spend much time with Matt so far this summer except for in Florida. He is living in College Station, working and taking classes. After a fiasco with TJC and Blinn, Matt decided to take his class in the second half of the summer so this last weekend I got to go visit him in College Station. Now let me remind you, I moved home from College Station a little over a month ago. It was WEIRD visiting... especially visiting Matt. My freshman year he would come visit me. Now it is swapped! BUT it was SO GOOD! I had the best weekend just being able to spend time with him. We got snow cones (yep... we love snow cones), watched a couple of movies, cooked a few meals, hung out with a good friend, and went to the CIRCUS (for free thanks to a sweet lady who had two extra tickets! Definitely our lucky day!) I wish I didn't have to leave. Luckily it is only a three hour separation instead of all the way on the other side of the world. Weekends like that one make me smile! 

And FINALLY... Today! Mollie and I went to Six Flags!! We had SO much fun! I don't  know if you have ever been to Six Flags in the summer, but your skin can boil and you stand in line for 3 hours at a time. NOPE! Not today! Mollie and I got to the park when it opened at 10:30 and successfully rode every thrill ride in the park without waiting in a line for more than 15 minutes AND it was mostly cloudy in the upper 80s (a cold day in June in Texas)! We walked up to Batman and rode in the first row! We were actually on the ride longer than we 'waited' in line... That is RARE! We rode a couple of the rides twice! It was fantastic! If you are planning on going to Six Flags, go on a random weekday when there is a 40% chance of rain! Definitely a fun day, but now I am exhausted! I still think power walking through the park was totally worth it... We were a little excited!

Now that brings me to right now. I am sitting in my parent's beautiful new kitchen, blogging away. The summer is going fast, but it is going so good! My mind is running crazy with things I should be doing, things I want to do, and a million other things, but I leave you with this piece of wisdom from one of my new favorite movies, We Bought a Zoo. (RENT/BUY it if you haven't seen it! You will love it!)

P.S. I take my last teaching certification exam June 28! Yikes, it is coming up... I am almost done!